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Arak Bali Festival

Arak Bali Festival

Himpunan Bartender Indonesia in collaboration with Hatten Wines presented the Arak Bali Festival by introducing Arak Dewi Sri signature as a product of Hatten Wines. Arak as a traditional Balinese spirit contained 40% alcohol, Dewi Sri is a pioneer of Bali’s spirit that has an official permit from BPOM and this product was founded in 1968. The event was held on Friday, November 16, 2018 located at The Cellardoor Hatten Wines – Sanur Bali, the series of this event is a workshop, as speakers who are an expert in this field, the HBI committee Agung Bawartha, Lila Yudiana the Hatten Wines General Manager, and Dewa Ketha as academics. In addition to workshops, another series of events is the Food & Beverage festival and the Mixologist Competition that based on Arak. 22 participants participated in this event and the requirement to be a participant in this event has to work with a bar/ restaurant outlet. In the competition, participants were given a blackbox challenge, a secret ingredient in the black box and participants had to make a recipe based on the material obtained. Lila Yudiana as Hatten Wine General Manager and Bayu Hendra as Himpunan Bartender Indonesia Coordinator explained that the purpose of this event was to introduce the local spirit of Bali Arak Bali Dewi Sri as a signature of arak products that guaranteed safe, so far the public was troubled by the arak which questioned the guarantee of legality. Dewi Sri itself has been distributed to 5-star hotels and a number of other outlets in Bali, but this product is not exported, this is to introduce local products that are not inferior to imported products and reduce costs, because imported products are very expensive and also expected this is organized annually. Here is the winner of competition :

Champion :

Yudhistira (Romeos Bar & Grillery)

HBI Trophy, cash money 5 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.

2nd Place

I Wayan Samiradana (Anvaya Resort)

Trophy, cash money 3 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.

3rd Place

Kadek Ari Saputra (KUDETA)

Trophy, cash money 2 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.

4th Place

Dewa Made Buda Arsana (Hotel Indigo Seminyak)

Trophy, cash money 1,5 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.

5th Place

Kadek Esta Diarta (LXXY Bali)

Trophy, cash money 1 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.

The Best Performance

A.A Kt Anom Wiranegara (The Breezes Bali)

Trophy, cash money 1 million rupiah, Merchandise, Certificate, Medals.